IPv6 Link Whitehat Security Program

IPv6 Link values the security of our customers and their data. We are committed to maintaining the highest level of security and we encourage responsible disclosure 
of any vulnerabilities you may find in our service.


This vulnerability disclosure program applies to all services and products provided by IPv6 Link, including our dedicated IPv6 VPN service.


If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability in our service, we encourage you to report it to us as soon as possible by sending an email to our security team. Please include a detailed description of the vulnerability and any steps you took to discover it.

Rules of Engagement

  • Do not access or modify data belonging to others without their permission
  • Do not disclose the vulnerability to others until we have had an opportunity to investigate and address the issue
  • Do not exploit the vulnerability for any purpose other than to demonstrate its existence to our security team
  • Do not conduct any attacks on our infrastructure, including denial of service or social engineering attacks


The following activities are expressly excluded from our vulnerability disclosure program:

  • Physical attacks against our facilities, employees, or customers
  • Social engineering attacks, including phishing and other email-based attacks
  • Attacks against third-party services used by IPv6 Link
  • Vulnerabilities in third-party software or hardware used by IPv6 Link


We appreciate the efforts of security researchers who follow responsible disclosure practices. If you report a vulnerability to us, we may offer a reward at our 
discretion. The amount of any reward will be determined based on the severity of the vulnerability and the quality of the report.

No Retaliation

We will not take any legal or other action against security researchers who follow responsible disclosure practices. We ask that you comply with our rules of 
engagement as described in the Rules of Engagement section contained herein this document.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Whitehat Responsible Disclosure Vulnerability Program, please contact our security team.